Tuesday, July 24, 2012

What a difference a day (or 60 days) makes!!!

Day 84.....

"Just give it time"

That is what just about every one of my friends said to me as I was telling them the story of my move. I think for most it was the response to give... I mean what else do you actually tell someone who just picked up and moved everything that they had who explains to you how awful everything is.

I have a new job.. an AWESOME new job.. I went with my gut when I decided to leave the company that I came out here to work for and it has paid of tremendously. And YES.. for those that have been keeping score in the Todd Bullock Quest for Success home game... I am working for none other than Manhunt! It is a great company with awesome people, a better commute, better work environment (catered breakfast on Tuesdays and lunches on Thursdays... I mean really- you had me at free bagel and cream cheese).

My softball season was very different this year...Not bad, not great... just different. The great news is that my team is going to the World Series and I had my chance to go to my third straight, however... I decided because of the time that I had to be unemployed and the small amount of vacation time that I have at my new job it is probably not the best idea to go this year. I am looking forward to next softball season for sure. I am just hoping that it feels a bit different than this year did. My teammates are nothing short of amazing... just a GREAT group of guys that made me feel as welcome as they could in the middle of a season :)

My apartment was such a huge part of my unhappiness here on so many levels. I am VERY thankful for my friend Keith who helped me find a place in a very difficult market - when I called him from Seattle he went looking at just about any place I needed him to. The apartment that I have is just not me... very small and uncomfortable to just hang out in, nothing Keith would have known by just looking at the place. But about a month ago, my landlord (who knew how unhappy I was) offered me the chance to move out with no penalties. So I am... On August 1st I head just North of Boston to Malden, it is a cute little city that is close to work and close to Boston but I am able to get more for my money. I decided for the first time in FOREVER to take a roommate and I am excited by it, not only is he a great guy but I am saving a ton of money. So this is all good!

And for what is probably the most amazing part of my life right now... I have met someone that stole my heart. His smile changes my day... his stories make me laugh... he is one of the most handsome men I have ever met... He is very different than I am and I could not be more thankful for that. We seem to balance each other very well. We have had great times together so far and are looking forward to more great times coming up (including a little vacation to Provincetown). I have never really been the kind of person to have negative dating experiences... I am friends with many that I have spent time with in the past and most of you know I was partnered for almost 9 years... but for the first time really I think that I have met someone that completes me on so many levels, my partner in crime. I truly am blessed. If he is reading, I love you Chris.

I vowed to try and keep these short... and this one is a long time coming so I hope those that were reading, will continue to read. I also mentioned that I would begin leaving a "tip" or just something short to take with you to think about... and here goes:

Tip: When your friends speak to you and they seem like they know more about you than you know about yourself... stop, think and give them credit... they are probably right.

Until Next Time....

Saturday, June 2, 2012

One Month Down - Let's Look At The Funny....

31 days down.......

Ya know, sitting back and looking at the past month I could do one of two things... laugh or cry. 

Apartment - Small is an understatement...at 325 square feet I can cook a full meal from the comfort of my bed and I can shower and do dishes at the same time... BUT, I have a roof over my head in a great neighborhood in this city!

Job - I went to work for a company called Jazd Markets... I should have known something right away when they can't even spell JAZZED correctly! I worked for the company for all of 11 days before I realized that there is a point in a person's life when you have to walk away EVEN if it puts you in a bind. I would rather be mentally strong and fiscally weak in the short-term. I could go on and on about the bill of goods that was sold to me about this position... but it just isn't worth it. Last week was a busy interview week which has led to a second interview onsite, a third interview onsite and another company (one that I really would like to work for) calling to tell me that they are trying hard to make something happen to get me on board... it will be nice to make the decision to work someplace because I want to and not because I need to.

Seattle - Yes, of course I miss the people... not so much the city, because I really do love Boston. But I miss my friends so much that it is painful... I can't wait until next Friday when Mini-Mex (Art) and I take over Boston Pride :) ... Hopefully I will get the chance to see others too soon!

Softball - I miss Seattle as a league... it is VERY different here. There is not the league camaraderie that Seattle has... BUT my team, the Boston Club Cafe Crew... is a team that I could not be happier to be a part of. I have had the chance to play B ball here... and in a tournament (Atlanta)... and for the most part I think that I can hold my own... I have been a little physically challenged which I will take care of in the off season. But I have made some great friends on the team and I look forward to spending more time with them.

TO THE GAYS... (which could be everyone that reads this)... here is something that many of you know but may need to be reminded of... all to often the words "it is a small city" are spoken when it comes to the gay community... the 6 degrees of separation in the dating world are ridiculous... BUT I am now RE-convinced... that it happens in every city... because in 31 days I have learned how small this city really is as well. 

So... I'll wrap up month one by saying it has been a ride. The people that I thought would be there for me in hard times have been and I thank you. This move was never going to be without challenges and I know that there will be more... 
But after a great lil house party last night with some new friends, my go to AWESOME breakfast (homemade sausage gravy and biscuits) and a day where I have been out of bed for a total of about 2 hours... just enjoying a lazy Saturday... perhaps a little light at the end of the tunnel.

This week I am heading out to visit my mom... :)

Next up..... I need to learn more about Somerville... 

To everyone following along (especially from different countries)... THANK YOU!

Until Next Time....

Monday, May 28, 2012

Memorial Day in HOT-LANTA!

DAY 28.....

So the first of the warm holiday's for the year....and I would like to just take a minute in my little corner of the internet to say THANK YOU to all of the men and women that we have lost while they have so bravely defended our country...and a special THANK YOU to those who continue to do so everyday.

This weekend was great... it was full of fun times, great people, hot weather, hot people, great weather... all the same... Softball tournaments are always great, this weekend I went to the Hotlanta Big Peach tournament with my team the Club Cafe Crew. Being my first East Coast tournament it was a bit strange to not really know anyone... and as soon as I was thinking that during the weekend I ran into two great friends of mine, Charlie and Mark....so great to see both of them.

Though the tournament didn't go as well as we had all hoped that it would (we went 1-3-1) it was a weekend for me to get to know the team that I am on a lot better than I had. There was no softball drama and some great relationships came out of the time spent together. I figure if I focus on all of the good, I can't focus on the shitty way that I played ... UGH... LOL.

So the evening and weekend are wrapping up and tomorrow starts, yet again, the job search. I am standing by my decision to leave my last work opportunity because I just don't think that I have enough time on this earth to be that unhappy that quick at a job... I will wake up early, shower and head out to a coffee shop with wi-fi and set up a little office space for myself and get to work finding work.

The apartment is coming along nicely... let's not pretend it has gotten any bigger, but it is starting to look a little cute. We are coming up on some great months here in the city. Art is coming to visit in just over a week for Boston Pride, I am heading to see my mom in a couple of weeks... I have a great team with a few more weeks of softball coming up and then World Series to look forward to. It all sounds great.

But with all of this good... does still come sadness... I miss my friends in Seattle... Cookie, Jeremy, Art, Gia, Brandon, Barbie.... the list goes on and on and on....... I knew that the transition would be difficult..... but at times is almost seems insurmountable... but I will get over it... 

TIP OF THE DAY: If you can't stand the heat get out of Atlanta!

Until Next Time...

Thursday, May 24, 2012


Day 24

It was Christmas Day of 2011 that I decided in my head that it was time to leave Seattle. That decision turned into so much more than just deciding to change cities. Many of you know the process that I went through... are you kidding - I counted down from 77 days until the day that I left. But in that time, I sold almost everything that I owned and threw away even more...and I don't mean little things... I mean family things, the guest book to my dad's funeral, cards that I gave to him and to my mom and things that they gave to me. I realized that these were "things" that I did not need, the memories that came with them will always be with me...and those that disappear, I think were meant to disappear over time. 

So where am I going with this....
This week I made a move that I have explicitly told others not to do... I QUIT MY JOB with nothing in the works... and yes, I know on the outside looking in how stupid that seems. But in part of the decision to move I promised myself happiness... I promised myself to stop living to please others or to attempt to meet others expectations of me - but to live the life that I want to live. My chance at this life, is a short existence - and I want to enjoy it. What this decision also did for me was make me realize that there are a number of people that support me, perhaps not my decisions, but ME... and whatever comes with that. This week, at a time when I knew it was going to be difficult, my softball team came through. I have made new connections, new friends and I have been made aware of new opportunities because of these new people in my life.

So, life is a bit stressful right now for sure... but at the end of the day... with some sound lyrical guidance (and the reason for the title of the post) from my new friend Brett...he let me borrow "his song":

Well you just stand

when there's nothing left to do 
you just stand
Watch the lord see you through
Yes after you've done all you can,
You just stand
-from the song Stand by Donnie McClurkin-

** this post would have been done an hour ago... but TJ called and I had to answer the phone cuz he gets whiney....and then he made me mention him in the post... **

So here is my tip of the day: 
BPSR (.. that is for you too Brett ..) Be Positive, Stay Real! Brett says that... and boy does it make sense. Life REALLY is short. I am not saying quit your job if you don't like it... but I am saying, for me only, that when your job impedes the happiness that you should feel in the rest of the time that you are awake... then a re-positioning of priorities may need to take place.

OK.. Off to Atlanta tomorrow for a softball tournament with my Boston Club Cafe Crew Boys!!! Good luck to my Seattle friends travelling to San Fran!!

Until Next Time....

Friday, May 18, 2012

It's FRIDAY....... Oh wait......

Day 18..... TGIF, Right???

Well, for sure, having a social life in a brand new city again is not an easy task!

Gone are Happy Hour's at Purr, meeting Mathias on the corner and walking to get our seats at Purr for the evening. And where is Paula? And... right about now (or 3 hours from now because of the time change) I would be trying to talk Cookie into going out tonight and for the umpteenth time, he would explain to me again that Friday night is date night for he and Cleo...hmph....

Instead tonight will look different. I suppose not bad or good... just different.

So, I think that I am going to head home and get a haircut someplace... (I would go to Ojee's because it is the only place that I know about because of Bill).... but I don't want my hair to look like his - I KID I KID, he knows he is adorable!
I am going to make dinner... and then I am going to head out to meet Patrick and kinda crash a going away party.... but as Art would say... it is at a bar, with lots of people... who cares? LOL...

I have a game tomorrow at 2 pm, so I have plenty of time to rest up tomorrow morning... so I may have a cocktail or two tonight. (This is NOT audience participation... everyone put away your surprised faces about the cocktails).

I have some free time this weekend so I am hoping to wrap up things in my apartment... wall art (though I am waiting for Dustin Louie to make available the best print ever to hang in my place), a plant or two and maybe a shelf, a desk and a beanbag chair... LOL  - and I will post pics soon enough!

So - no Purr, no Mathias, no Cookie............ BUT...... I have a beautiful Friday night, cocktails with Patrick (and a bunch of people along with someone who apparently is "going away") and perhaps I will run into Chris...

On a final note for the day..... if you are looking for a great radio station to listen to streaming... check out 100.5 The Peak in Vancouver... it is great music and if you listen at the right time you get to listen to the cutest DJ ever! Hi Edward!!!! :)

Enjoy your Friday night all!!!

Until next time.....


Thursday, May 17, 2012

Today we lost Summer - Not the season, THE DONNA!


I started this post as a way for friends and family to follow my progress as I settle into a new old city...

Today, it is not about my progress at all... it is about a loss that, to me (and it is my little corner of the internet), was tough to hear about.

Yes, for as absolutely GAY as it sounds, I will miss Donna Summer. Nope, I didn't know her... her music though, at times,was a bit of an anthem for the time that I was struggling the most with coming out...
Sometimes you just gotta turn to music to get you through things... Good, bad, troubling, sad... music just helps.

Donna Summer is one of those artists that when you mention her name in conversation the other person automatically knows at least one song. (If you are gay... you know 10 at minimum).

So not a long post... just a moment of silence from me for her... Ms. Summer, you truly will be gone and not forgotten!


Until Next Time......

Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Just the tip........ of the day!

Day 16....

So I had a thought while contemplating what to write about and I thought that starting in this post, I would like to leave people that read this with a take away - or a tip that directly relates to what I am writing about... so in the event that you find yourself in a similar situation... maybe you can refer to the post.

Since my last post things have been all over the board... Let's start with Mother's Day and my brother Peter and I were together with our mom for Mother's Day for the first time - EVER... and it was awesome! The two of them with my stepfather came here from NY to visit and to help me with some of my move in... and I am so much further along because of their help.

I also had the change to get back on the softball fields with my new team the Club Cafe Crew... A great group of guys... played three games, lost both on Saturday and then had a great win on Sunday (Against the league's A Division team). It was my first time playing in the B Division during the regular season and I think that I did ok... so I think I should be more and more comfortable as I continue to play. I had the chance to head out and celebrate the win on Sunday and hang out with the guys on the team which was cool. I doubt I will be doing much of that as I think it is time to slow down those Sunday's... but it was fun none-the-less :)

The two parking tickets that I got when I first moved here were both dismissed....that it good news... the apartment is coming along... (I have never put together so much furniture together in my life)... so that is good news as well...

I guess that the only down side really is that it is very lonely making a transition like this... There are very few people that I can talk to about anything, I miss my friends back in Seattle so much... I guess when I moved I didn't have any expectations, which I thought was good. But, I suppose that I never stopped to think how hard it could be or what if it wasn't right.

Just gotta give it time.... and the good thing is that I go to Atlanta next week for softball, should be fun and Art is coming in a few weeks.... that WILL be a good time!!

So today's tip: If you get parking tickets, don't hesitate to appeal them. Odds are without any kind of record, you may have a chance.

Until Next Time....... 

Boston parking ticket.